Posts 46–50 of 54

  • Two Beaches Within Two Hours


    This summer my wife and I wanted to plan fun, weekday beach excursions for the kids. Since I was only taking one day off work at a time, the beaches had to be close. I was born in California and I used to think that living as I do now near Washington, DC meant giving up easy access to the beach. But not so. We were surprised to discover two good beaches within 90 minutes drive of Washington, DC.

  • The Internet Makes a 9 Year Old's Day


    This is an amazingly touching story of 9 year old boy named Caine who built his own arcade out of used cardboard boxes in his dad's auto parts store. After months of having no customers, the power of the internet brought hundreds of people from across LA to his homemade arcade.

  • Frugal Dad Highlights 3 Fancy Food Frauds


    I found this infographic very interesting, especially the part about Kobe beef.

  • Super Mario's Time is Now


    “Super” Mario Balotelli scored twice yesterday to lift Italy over Germany in Euro 2012. This video couldn’t be more timely and appropriate. No doubt he’ll be remembered now.