Rants Posts 11–13 of 13

  • Assume Cars Won't Stop


    Our kids love going for walks in the neighborhood. We live in a nice, safe neighborhood with lots of streets but also lots of sidewalks. The kids will ride their trikes or we will push them in the stroller. It’s fun for the whole family. However there’s one thing that’s really starting to bug me, and it’s not what I would have expected: overly polite drivers.

    I’ve been trying to teach Eli about looking both ways before crossing the street. When we get to an intersection, we stop and I ask Eli to look both ways for cars. If there are any cars coming, he knows to wait because he “doesn’t want to get squished.” But more and more we run into the situation where the oncoming driver, in some misguided attempt to be polite, stops to let us cross and refuses to go until we cross.

    Just stopping, in itself, can be forgiven. But almost every time this happens, the scene quickly gets ridiculous: I motion them to drive on by waving them past, and they wave at me to cross, and I wave at them to say “No really, you go on”, and they stubbornly refuse, so on and so on. It would be comical if it wasn’t so ridiculous.

  • Goodnight Moon Errata


    I’ve been reading Goodnight Moon for over three years now. While it is clearly a masterpiece on par with War and Peace, certain things about the story have always bugged me. For example, at the end of the book it goes “Goodnight clocks, goodnight socks” but the socks are never actually introduced in the beginning of the book. Also, the cats seem oblivious to the fact that there is a mouse running all over the room.

  • Bill Nye Says Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Kids


    In a short video embedded below, Bill Nye of Science Guy fame reminds us that America is the world’s most technologically advanced country but we are also home to a uniquely large population of people who refuse to accept the fundamental scientific theory of evolution.

    Nye explains that disbelief in evolution forces disbelievers to construct a wildly untenable theory of their own. If that belief is passed on to future generations, he said, America will be deprived of the scientists and engineers it needs to stay technologically competitive in the future.