Online real estate company Redfin recently listed its hottest neighborhoods in metropolitan areas across the country. In addition to D.C.’s Petworth and Rockville’s Fallsmead, the list included our neighborhood, Pimmit Hills.
We asked our agents which neighborhoods or cities in their area will be the most up-and-coming in 2013, then we dove into the data to narrow down their suggestions to the three hottest ‘hoods in each market. We evaluated how each area’s market was trending at the end of 2012 in four categories: on-market listings, sales volume, median price per square foot, and sale-to-list ratio. We ranked every neighborhood in each category and selected the areas with the most consistent trends in each category as the hottest.
Furthermore, about our neighborhood they said,
Washington DC's Pimmit Hills is right between the commercial haven and employment hub of Tyson's Corner and charming main street-esque Falls Church City. With an abundance of flat large lots, the enhancement of the Tyson's Corner area and additional transportation options Pimmit Hills looks to be a popular place for years to come.
That’s right, for “years to come.” Booyah other neighborhoods. But seriously, our neighborhood does seem to be getting cooler. We are the first neighborhood in the area to feature a “passive house” (read the Washington Post article about it) and it seems like every month they tear down an old rambler and put up a modern, new house. Our neighbors are all super nice and there are lots of kids the same age as our kids around. And even if we didn’t have all that, we have our legendary crazy Christmas lights house: